Thursday, August 26, 2004

Gotta Get That Dirt Off Your Shoulders

Picture of the Day 08-26-04 Gotta Get That Dirt Off Your Shoulders

Julian Tavarez got a 10 day suspension the other day for having a cap like this with a "foreign" substance. It such crap, even ESPN was saying how stupid it is. Cards are still doin good though.

In Class Out the Ass News:
No Physics until next week which is cool. Yesterday I had 3 classes. First was Math 385 which is Differential Equations (Dif Eq). Dave, Sean, and Du are all in that class with which will be cool. The teacher can't speak good English so it'll be back to that again. Class doesn't seem to bad right now but we'll see. It looks like about 20 problems homework a week. Right after that class I had TAM (Theoretical and Applied Mathematics) 211 which is actually just Statics. Me and Dave have the same lecture so we went to that too. Didn't seem too bad either only 3 homework problems a week and the first few weeks should be review. Then I after that I had my last class of the day, Philosophy 101 which is just an Intro course. It had a lot of reading and writing involved and didn't seem to have the kind of stuff I wanted to do so I ended up dropping that class and I'm only taking 13 hours this semester. That's kind of a light schedule but I'm gonna load up next semester and try to take a class at SWIC this summer. Today I only had two classes, Math 225 which is gonna be ridiculously easy. And if the teacher doesn't get an assistant we won't have any homework. Then I came back to IT, ran into Voels almost literally walking back. I remembered that I actually had another class today at 3 that I forgot about. I had GE 161 which is Engineering and Business. Seemed like another one that I can get by with.

In Interior Deocrating News:
We moved the furniture in the living room a bunch and now finally have everything set up. We have: 2 TVs, PS2, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Sega, and regular Nintendo with a stockpile of games and movies. My room is kind of organized madness still.

We're All Gonna Die News:
Last night we had a tornado watch and a storm rolled in. It was hilarious though cause the girls across the hall were really worried and we thought nothing was wrong. We looked out our window and everything looked fine, except our window faces the west, we went to their window and it was pitch black. We came back to our room and watch the storm clouds roll in right over us maybe only 40 feet above, which was pretty cool.

In Rolled Up Aces Over Kings News:
So far we have played poker for the last three nights. I'm up $19 so far. Last night I was just kind hanging around even and got pocket aces and another guy had sevens. He raised preflop and I reraised him. Nothing hit on the flop and I bet about half my stack, he called. Then I went all in on the turn, he thought I was trying to buy the pot and called and i=I got paid off. The guy was from on our floor, his name is Matt. He lives by Mt. Vernon and is Cardinals fan too.

Quote of the Day: "The (NL) central sucks." - a stupid cub fan on the floor responding to me saying we were in first place by like 15 games. Apparently she didn't know what division the cubs were in.
Song of the Day: "Scotty Doesn't Know" by Lustra (Matt Damon in the movie). This is a hilarious song from the movie Eurotrip, which we watched the other night. It was a great movie hilarious. Also the song isn't one from my Ipod cause it f'ed up yesterday and isn't working right. I'm mighty pissed and am gonna have to go to the apple store when I go home next weekend to get stuff.


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