Sunday, July 18, 2004

Picture of the Day 07-18-04 - A summertime ritual, the BBQ

Picture of the Day 07-18-04 - A summertime ritual, the BBQ

Past hullabaloo:
So Friday was the big BBQ but first I had a visit from my uncle Mike.  He brought over his dog that we are supposed to watch this weekend.  The dog has driven me insane.  It can't be left alone anywhere but outside unless it's being watched.  She whines whenever she goes in her dog cage or waits outside.  She pisses anywhere in the house she feels like.  And whenever she sees our dog, she decides to basically jump over him and knock him over.  So it's been a stressful weekend in that regard, but back to the BBQ.  Went to Heather's around 6:30 and a bunch of people were there already.  We played some volleyball and show are extreme ineptitude at sports.  Oh and before I forget, here's the guestlist: Heather (of course it was at her house), Casey, Andrew, Graham, Greg, Tony, Jim, Kristin, Jen, Jin, Tiffany, Danielle, Alka, Alisa, Monica, and Ryan Thompson.  Basically our whole senior calc class was invited, so of course, our calc teacher, Mr. Harrington was there too.  So anyways, after volleybal we all ate.  Then I ended up calling Luke and said hey and then passed the phone and I think everyone said hello.  Then we all played water balloon volleyball.  Each team had a sheet to catch the balloon in and toss the balloon back.  It eventually ended with Heather deciding to bring a balloon over to our team's sheet and then throw it at Greg (although she said she was going to hit me but she saw I already knew what she was going to do).  Then our team with through with what we planned, we went for all the water balloons and started throwing.  Right away I got hit by one from Tony which he popped before he threw it so I was soaked all down the front of my clothes.  Then I got hit from behind by Alisa and was completely soaked all over.  That's when I decided to go into guerrilla warfare.  I went to my car and got out a supersoaker that for some reason is kept in there for just such an unusual situation, or for drive by soakings.  Anyways, I got that and got a few people, but eventually all hell broke loss as two more huge water guns were brought out and both the hoses were used.  Eventually most of the people involved were completely soaked and the dry people were gone after too.  I think Greg and Jim finally did what I thought of before the party would be the funniest thing ever, the poured a bucket of water on Harrington.  And he didn't get mad he got involved and soaked some other people.  Then we tried to dry off and went inside.  Some people had a change of clothes, they were the smart ones.  After talking for a bit we went and played spoons starting with like 12 people.  Somehow I ended up winning.  Then we played "Gestures" which is like charades but with a little different stuff.  Our team was the losers and we did good to live up to our name.  Then we played Trivial Pursuit.  Our team lost again but I had fun just going through the sports questions.  Then most of us, including me left.  Yesterday, I went back to Heather's to pick up the stuff I left.  I ended up having lunch with her and her parents because I decided that there was no food in our house and I didn't want to spend money on lunch.  Then at 7, I had some people over for poker night.  We played a straight up money game with dealer calling the game.  I ended up taking everyone's money.  Then we played a tournament.  I started off slow because I couldn't get any cards but I finally ended up going all in on Ace-Queen off suit.  I had a chance to almost quad up.  I hit an ace on the flop and beat out pocket Kings and pocket threes.  From there I got better cards here and there.  I ended up in the finally two and he had about 60% of the chips so I offer to split the winning and we did.  So for the night I ended up with a $35 profit.  For the three poker games that I've played this summer, I am up $50, not bad for small games. 
What Up:
I need to figure out who all is going to the BNL concert and then I need to get tickets.
Quote of the Day:
Lisa(reading an invitation): Come to Homer's BBBQ. The extra B is for BYOBB.
Bart: Hey, Homer, what's that B for?
Homer: That's a typo.
Song of the Day: "Summer in the City" by Joe Cocker


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