Monday, August 09, 2004

Is this funny, or is it just me?

Picture of the Day 08-10-04 - Is this funny, or is it just me?

While I was helping Tony pack up for school, I saw this on the moving truck that Tony rented. I had just woke up, but I thought that this sign was hilarious. I figured just put shit in any way you feel like, but they had instructions. Anyways, I liked the sign so much that I stole it off the truck and kept it.

All the News That's Fit to Print:
A lot has gone on since my last post so I may forget some stuff but here goes. On Thursday, I think, I went putt-putt with Greg and Kristin at Centerfield. We had some fun. Also hit the cages, in softball. Seemed like my old baseball swing was still there, but it was only softball. I went and tried to pick up a pretty good set off 200 count chips for $20 at Toys R Us. I hadn't been there in what seemed like forever. Everything had changed and I was lost searching for the chips, the store seemed like they want to trap people in it. I couldn't find the right chips, just more expensive ones that I didn't like. After that I hung out at Kristin's with Greg and for a little bit, Kristin's brother, Kerry(sp?). Anyways we shared funny stories, hung out, and heard more info on why The Village sucked. We decided to have a movie/poker night the next day at Kristin's.

In TGIF news:
On Friday, I woke up early for me, and helped Tony pack up his stuff. Mostly just moved boxes around, arranged, and rearranged. After that I got some stuff done around the house. Then I went out with my family to Dandy Inn's to eat to celebrate my aunt Jeanie's birthday. It was pretty funny. We ate outside and on the way in bringing a pizza to the kids, Sue dropped their pizza in rocks. The kids were made and so was Sue but everyone else joked about it all night. Also I got in trouble with Jeanie because I told her Little Curt about her and Carolyn watering Mike's possible marijuana plants. Also, my mom kept hearing this random beep every once in awhile. After a little bit, we found out that it was her phone, cause she had tons of voicemail. She was checking the wrong thing on her phone she had voicemails from a couple of weeks ago. It was hectic trying to tell her how to use it and do everything on there and then I had to tell all the other old people what I was doing. After all that, everyone came back to our house for cake and ice cream. I played with the kids for a little bit and then talked with some people. I left at 9 to go to Kristin's thing. As I left, I saw Matt, Amy, and Thomas pull up to the house. They were staying here this weekend. When I got to Kristin's I taught everyone some other kinds of poker and then we had a $1 tourney as we watched Rounders. The guestlist was: Andrew, Brandon, Casey, Greg, Jim, Kristin, and Tony. I made a dollar from the tourney making my summer total $65. It will probably stay there since I don't know enough people who will play here who are still in town. Anyways, we finished up the movie and everyone seemed to like it. Said my goodbyes to Tony and Greg since they were going back to school soon.

In Weekend Update:
ON Saturday I woke up to my brother intentionally waking me up early. He was hold Thomas and said later that Thomas woke me up and not him. I hung out with the family and in the afternoon; me, Matt, and Amy went to Centerfield. We played putt-putt. Also hit in the cages, this time baseball, 60 and 70 mph. I hit the ball pretty good and my brother said that he thought I did real good. I guess I can still swing the bat alright. Then we did the go-carts. The ones we did were like modeled after Nascars. The only problem was that they each had a roof. I was to tall and drove with my head tilted. That was fun. Then we rode the bumper boats. I was the only one to stay out of the waterfall, but they both squirted me really good. Then we came home. I felt sick and ended up taking a nap. On Sunday, they all left in the afternoon. I read the paper and did real good on the crossword. Then the family met at my cousin's house for Luke's birthday. I entertained the kids most of the time. They wanted to kick my butt at the Mario Kart for GameCube, but I ended up suprising them and I think they got a little angry. Later that night I went out to see Collateral with Jen and Kristin. It was a great movie. Out of all the movies that I've seen this summer in the theater, it was the best. It may have just been because it wasn't hyped up like all the other but I walked out of the theater satisfied. Then I said my goodbye to Kristin before she left for School.

Odds and Ends:
I borrowed a scanner from Little Curt and now I'm trying to scan a bunch of stuff before I go back to school. The picture of the day was actually my first scan.

What Up:
Tommorrow I have to go to Best Buy and get Kill Bill Vol. 2. Also, I think I'm going to rent the new Madden when it comes out. I need to check up on rescheduling some of my classes. I also need to go to my old bank and straighten out my acount before I close it. Then I have to open a new account somewhere else. I also need to get some of my stuff together because I go back to school in less than two weeks. And in between, I'll be playing a bunch of freerolls and scanning a bunch of stuff.

Quote of the Day: "Kerry Wood was arrested for public was his first relief appearance in years." - Charlie Steiner highlight from Sportscenter Old School that was on Tonight.
Song of the Day: "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen, another one from the iPod.


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