Monday, August 23, 2004

Movin On Up to a Deluxe Apartment in the Sky

Picture of the Day 08-23-04 Movin On Up to a Deluxe Apartment in the Sky.

So I moved in yesterday at Illini Tower (IT). We have a real nice room with a good view and everything. On the picture, the arrow points to about where our room is, 13th floor. Movin was hectic but didn't forget too much. Went to Buffalo for lunch, helped pick up Sean's stuff from storage, and picked up some stuff at Walmart. My room is still a mess and I'm not all unpacked yet but will be eventually. All is well.

Quote of the Day: "Lets play some fucking cards." from Rounders, cause I really want to play some cards.
Song of the Day: "All Star" by Smashmouth because some idiot upstairs last night was listening to all this rap real loud and then all of a sudden the next song was All Star.


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