Thursday, July 29, 2004

It's like something out of a book

Picture of the Day 07-29-04 - "It's like something out of a book"

I saw The Bourne Supremacy last night with Kristin, Casey, Dre, Tony, Heather, and Greg.  It was pretty good.  I liked it but there were a few times were something just seemed to be missing and at parts it was incredibly predictable.   It's a movie worth seeing but with all the other movies out this summer, I wouldn't see it again.  There was one funny part where there are some shots of a girl walking around and I wasn't sure who it was at first who it was but then remembered.  But after not saying who she is for a little bit, they say who it is and some lady behind us pretty loud says, "ohhh."  Then everyone of us started laughing.  Even funnier is that they all thought that it was Greg who said that.  Guess you had to be there.  Not much else goin on.

Quote of the Day: "It's like something out of a book." - The chick in who ran everything in the Bourne Supremacy.  I thought that was hilarious because the movie is based on a book, oh the irony.
Song of the Day: "H to the IZZO" by Jay-Z cause as usual came up on the iPod when I was typing.


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