Saturday, April 23, 2005

That's a winner

Picture of the Day 05-23-05
Well, Me, Matt, Dave, Nico, and Lenny went to the baseball game on Friday night. It was a great game. Here's all that happened.

Is This a Sign That We Shouldn't Go?
We planned on leaving Champaign at 3 to head to the game. Since everyone except Nico had class til 3, we had him get the car. The car was at the E-14 lot. Nico didn't go to the right lot though. So he was late to get the car and since he was getting directions from his friend on his cell, we didn't know what was going on. Matt ended up going down to E-14 while Lenny and I waited to see if Nico would show up. Eventually Nico call and said he got to the lot, but then he couldn't find the car even. Then Matt showed and we had hope again. He found the car and got in with Nico. And of course, the car wouldn't start because the battery was dead. So they tried to get it jumped, but for some reason it wouldn't jump. So, Lenny and I went to go get Dave and walk to E-14 to get Lenny's little car in case we needed to buy Matt's car a new battery. When we started to walk to Dave's, it started to rain. All of this wasn't a good sign. But right after we got Dave, Matt called. He had the car running and picked us up. We finally left Champaign at 4:15ish.

The Long and Winding Road:
We we're kinda bored for the ride there, so we decided to play a game. We played the name game, except with baseball players. So, one person said a name and the next person had to say a name where the first name started with the same letter that the previous player's last name started with. So if one person said Mike Piazza the next would say Pablo Ozuna (my favorite name that I used cause everyone was trying to give me a hint, saying to think of a Spanish first name. They were thinking Pedro. Maybe you had to be there). You got three strikes (passes) if you couldn't think of one after a little bit. We played the whole car ride there and actually the whole car ride back too. It could be said that either me, Lenny, or Matt won. There were some rule changes later that let people get back in and some other stuff too.

Baseball Been Berry Berry Good to Me:
The game was great. We sat in the right field bleachers. Good seats for the price. We got to the game a little late, we blamed Nico for that, but he bought everyone dinner at the game so it made up for it. Big inning for the Cards in the second inning. Note: you don't put Reggie Sanders on to pitch to So Taguchi, he's the man. It was so cold at the game, the temp said 50 but it seemed so much colder with the wind. Dave even signed up for a credit card just to get a free blanket. The game got close late and we moved to better seats. Me and Matt showed the guys the finer points of Busch stadium. Then Izzy closed out the game and we won 8-7.

Random Stats:
The new Busch stadium that they're building looks great. They put up a lot of the brick and the outside looks great. The inside looks good too. The top of the stadium has different kinds of arches but they still look nice. The inside really is looking like a ballfield, it's great. Also, on the way out of the parking lot to the highway, Matt decide to blast some rap music. He rolled down the windows and opened his sunroof. When we got to the highway, he tried to close everything. The sunroof wouldn't close so we drove back to champaign with the sunroof open the whole way. It's was a little chilly.

Quote of the Day: Me: "Actually out of the all the Kevin Smith movies, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back cost the most."
Elleni: "I can understand that, they had to get monkeys and other animals."
-Jay and Silent Bob cost like over 10 million, mostly cause of the monkeys I guess
Song of the Day: "In a Gada da Vida" by Iron Butterfly - All 17 minutes of it.


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