Monday, April 04, 2005

Celebrate Good Times Come On!

Picture of the Day 04-04-05
Well this was the scene after the Illini beat Louisville on Saturday night. I don't have them now but I'll try and get our pictures from the night up sometime soon. Well here's what happened. A bunch of people hung in our room and watched the game. I had the orange windex. Roger Powell had a huge second half for us an propelled us to victory. We play UNC tonight for the championship. Ok, so after the game we went to Follinger. A bunch of people were there. There was crowd surfing and people just chanting stuff and of course a lot of orange. Then we walked to green street. On the way ran into Heather and said hello. So green street was blocked off and we walked down the middle of the street. Sounds stupid but it was cool to me. We were all drunk and ended up taking a picture with two cops in the middle of green street, pretty funny. Then we came back to the room hung out. Drank some more. Funny random moments. I pushed over Kieron and took his drink from him, cause he was underage was my reasoning. Alan had friends come visit and one dropped their disposable camera in the toliet, nothing like going to pee and finding a camera waiting for you.

Movie Review:
I went to go see Sin City on Friday. It was pretty good. I like the way they filmed it and the story was pretty good. It kind of left me wanting a little more, but still good. I give it 3 out of 4 thumbs up.

Boring Sunday News:
Sunday was pretty boring, I mostly did work and watched some dvds. But later, I got to talk to Kimmy and that was great cause I didn't talk to her much thus weekend. She has a no aim rule for weekends. She broke it a few times but I was away doing stuff.

ok big games coming up so I gotta go. but before I forget, most of the campus wore orange today, it was awesome walking down the street and seeing so much of it. at dinner tonight, only like 5 people weren't wearing orange, so cool.

Quotes of the Day: "I can't believe they got the Pope to be in Eurotrip." - Mike during the basketball game, he was a little confused for a bit.
"Powell for Pope" - Our new motto after Roger Powells huge game.
Song of the Day: "Say It Ain't So" by Weezer. Was singing it yesterday. One of my favorite all time songs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey how bout updating some time soon? MUAH. hugs and kisses

5:40 PM


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