Friday, April 15, 2005

You Two, Fight to the Death

So Now Apparently I'm Richard III.
I have officially been attacked by Kimmy, the other front. She compared me to Richard III. I don't know what that means but I'm told that it's bad. I tried to negotiate peace but neither would have it, so war you will both get. This war is not supposed to be mean, and I am not worried because neither of these two could be mean. But I'm sure I could be embarassed, but I really can't embarass them that well, this might be a quick war. Oh by the way, if you want to follow the other side of this war, the losing side, here are links to their blogs. Kimmy's
and Elleni's. Both of them, I have to say are subpar blogs, come one, I have pictures, they have smiley faces. They intend to conquer me, ha (*see below*). So Elleni and Kimberly, Bring it on. No matter what though, I still heart both of you. I'm sorry Kim but I have to tell people this, you need to go to school a little more. Kim believes that Dinosaurs are extinct because they smoked. Pardon my friend, she's a little slow. kkkkkkmay.
That's all for now

*Oh yeah, they think I'll lose if they conquer me. Two women trying to conquer me, at the same time, should be fun. Either way I win.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Doug you ARE Richard III. A ruthless, manupulating, heartless (and yet you heart me... the irony) ruler of Dougland. Do you know how Richard III ends? It ends w ghosts and Richard's death. Wich is how YOUR war will end. With the rule of Elleni and Kim as Queens. MUAH AHAHAHA and the ghosts of other bloggers will haunt you.

and I mean all this in the niest way possible :)

3:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey babe. havent seen an update in a while :( so ya might wanna get on that.


7:27 PM


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