Thursday, December 30, 2004

Heeeeerrrrrrreeeeeee'ssss Doug">.
Picture of the Day 12-30-04 Heeeeerrrrrrreeeeeee'ssss Doug

Well, I'm finally back. I vowed not to post to this blog until I got my computer back(partly because of not wanting to use someone else's computer to post and partly because of laziness and not wanting to type a huge post to make up for what I missed). But anyways I'm back and ready to update.

Semester in Review:
Well, I didn't go to class and this semester it showed. I did bad in some of the harder stuff and could get D's in multiple classes. I think I'm starting to get test anxiety because they're worth so much of your grade and I never seem to do better than a B on any of them no matter how long I study. I don't know what's gonna happen with all the stuff this past semester. I guess it doesn't help that I've excepted that I'm no longer a straight A student or even a pretty good A and B student. I'm going to try to be a better student this semester and go to all my classes and work harder. We'll see how long that lasts.

In It's Christmas time Charlie Brown news:
Christmas was ok. Getting to see the whole family was great and I had a blast joking around with everyone. Eveyone seemed to like the gifts I got them and I got what I wanted too. But it was also tough not being able to spend Christmas with my Dad. And my Mom seems to be depressed half the time and that's almost worse because I can stop her pain. I kinda feel like my brother, we try and ignore it for awhile so we can enjoy life a little but there are times when it just hits you like a brick. Sometimes I just imagine him sitting next to me or telling a joke. I just hate that I'll never see him again except in my memories.

As long as I'm saying sad new I guess Baseball's next:
Well, a different team showed up in the World Series than the Cardinals. They were terrible. They got swept by the Red Sox who to give them credit, were a very good team. I'm was pretty pissed for a few days after but I'm finally calm about it now and my hate for the Cubs is even greater. So far in the offseason, the Cardinals lost Renteria, Matheny, Womack, and Woody. I mind losing Womack and Matheny. Matheny was a great player and a great deal but got to expensive for the Cardinals. Womack was a great lead off guy with speed which I think we really need for such a powerful lineup. We tried to trade for Tim Hudson and Randy Johnson. Johnson has decided he only wants to go to the Yankees and then Hudson was traded to the Braves. It sucked I was worried that we wouldn't have that number one starter this year. But Jocketty did it again. He got a different A's starter, Mark Mulder. I don't really like what he gave up for him but it could end up an even trade. We gave up Danny Haren who I really like and did good in the Playoffs. They also gave up their best young prospect, a real good catcher, Daric Barton. And they also gave another good young reliever who did good in the playoffs, Kikp Calero. I think this might of been more than Mulder was worth but to get the top players, you have to give up some real good young players. I like Mulder even better then I did before when I think about it. He's a big power lefty, something that's missing from our starting rotation. The Cards also signed David Eckstein from Anaheim. This guy isn't the most talented player but he's a sparkplug with a lot of hustle so he'll become a fan favorite. He's also a kind of speedy lead of guy which I really think we needed. He should fill Edgar's spot decently. Yadier Molina is gonna step up in place of Matheny which should be ok, he's better offensively and should only improve because he's a young guy who hasn't had a real chance to start. I still would like to see the Cards sign Placido Polonco back and have him play second or short with Eckstein. I think the Cards will be good again next season and I think either Morris or Ankiel will step up big. I can't wait til baseball season.

In lesser sports news:
The Illini basketball team is doing amazing. They've beat Gonzaga (ranked 24) and Wake Forest (ranked 1) . They're undefeated and are ranked number 1 in the nation. Their 3 guard setup is great since all of them are amazing from 3 point range. It looks like they'll get a pretty good seed in the Final Four Tourney. They should do very well.

In rolled up Aces over Kings news:
I've done very well this year in cash games. I'm up for the semester but after some unluckiness and some really bad beats I stoped keeping track of my bankroll which is bad cause right after all that I went on a nice little streak and did very well. I'm guessing that I'm up at least $250 for the semester. I also started on ub again and have been doing good. I was up about 600 and am now still up about 350.

Next Year's living arangements:
Next Fall I'll be living at IT again except I'll have my own room and share a suite with 3 other guys: STL Matt (The Culprit), Nieko a guys who always plays poker with us and is a good guy, and another Matt who is Nieko's friend and seems like a good guy. We'll be on the second floor in prime position in a corner room. Only even slight problem is that even though I'm living with a Cardinals fan, I'm also living with a Cubs fan.

Here at Home News:
Not much has really gone on here. I've seen a few people but haven't got a chance to talk to most of my friends. Hopefully we'll all get together for something cause it'll be nice to see everyone again.

That's all I can really think of to update for everything I missed so...

Quote of the Day: "If you are flamable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit." - Mitch Hedberg
Song of the Day: "Donde Esta Santa Claus" by Guster. Pretty good Christmas song. Also, along with my computer, I also got my iPod back and working so that's another good thing.


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