Thursday, July 29, 2004

It's like something out of a book

Picture of the Day 07-29-04 - "It's like something out of a book"

I saw The Bourne Supremacy last night with Kristin, Casey, Dre, Tony, Heather, and Greg.  It was pretty good.  I liked it but there were a few times were something just seemed to be missing and at parts it was incredibly predictable.   It's a movie worth seeing but with all the other movies out this summer, I wouldn't see it again.  There was one funny part where there are some shots of a girl walking around and I wasn't sure who it was at first who it was but then remembered.  But after not saying who she is for a little bit, they say who it is and some lady behind us pretty loud says, "ohhh."  Then everyone of us started laughing.  Even funnier is that they all thought that it was Greg who said that.  Guess you had to be there.  Not much else goin on.

Quote of the Day: "It's like something out of a book." - The chick in who ran everything in the Bourne Supremacy.  I thought that was hilarious because the movie is based on a book, oh the irony.
Song of the Day: "H to the IZZO" by Jay-Z cause as usual came up on the iPod when I was typing.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Welcome to the Cone Zone

Picture of the Day 07-28-04 Welcome to the Cone Zone

Yesterday I finally got my other shirts I ordered in the mail.  This picture is of the one that I made.  The others will soon be other pictures of the day.

What up:
Tonight I'm goin to see the Bourne Supremacy with some people.  Saturday is Kristin's ice cream social, I don't know if I posted that yet.

In "It's only an addiction if you lose money" news:
I played poker with Tony and Karen the other night.  I lost $4 bucks but had fun.  Summer profits: $47.

In Rounding news:
Found out that there are quite a few free roll poker tournaments online where you can win cash or some kind of prize.  Freeroll means that you don't have to pay to enter.  So right now I'm just starting to play some of those and see what happens.

In the Movie corner:
I have some new movies: Shaft (remake with Sam Jackson), Blazing Saddles, Maverick, Out of Time, and the Recruit.   Out of those I'll review the ones I have just seen.  Blazing Saddles is a classic comedy and  is hilarious, it was the best movie of the group.  I give it 1 star out of 1 star.  Maverick was pretty good too and its got some poker in it so that gave it a bonus, 10 out of 12 stars.  Out of Time is a newer one with some mystery and decent stuff in it.  Pretty Good but not great, 7 of 11 stars.  Finally, the Recruit is a spy movie which is one of my favorite kind of movies and that really the main reason that I liked it.  It wasn't a really good movie but a decent spy movie, and that's enough for me.  9 out of 18 stars.  I still have to watch Shaft again but I've seen it before and like it, that Shaft is a bad mother, shut cho mouth.

Quote of the Day: "Where all the white women"  - From Blazing Saddles where the black sheriff is talking to two guys from the KKK
Song of the Day: "The Good Life" by Weezer cause that's what is on my iPod right now.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Picture of the Day 07-25-04 - A night of games

Picture of the Day 07-25-04 - A night of games.
Alka had a game night Friday and I hung out with everyone.

The wonderful games we play:
So at Alka's we played Scatagories, Poker, Taboo, and Ping Pong.  I had a good time except the poker game was a little short and the Cardinals lost to the Giants. 

What up:
This Saturday Kristin is having an ice cream social and she's invited like 50 people, that should be interesting.  The BNL concert is next Wednesday and it looks like Tony, Kristin, Jim, Brandon, and Brandon's friend are coming.  Also Casey and Andrew might come too.  I bought the tickets and they are in the mail.  And I'm still waiting for 3 t-shirts in the mail, I'm getting impatient

Peta Newsleter:
My mom decided to adopt a cat.  It's pretty annoying.  The thing keeps waking me up and I think I may even be allergic to it.  The dog seems to be very confused by the cat and doesn't know what to do.

In rolled up aces over kings news:
I'm up $51 this summer and looking to have 2 or 3 more poker nights before I go back to school.

Quote of the Day: "It's Risk. It's a game of world domination being played by two guys who can barely run their own lives." - from Seinfeld.
Song of the Day: "California Songs" by Local H

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Picture of the Day 07-18-04 - A summertime ritual, the BBQ

Picture of the Day 07-18-04 - A summertime ritual, the BBQ

Past hullabaloo:
So Friday was the big BBQ but first I had a visit from my uncle Mike.  He brought over his dog that we are supposed to watch this weekend.  The dog has driven me insane.  It can't be left alone anywhere but outside unless it's being watched.  She whines whenever she goes in her dog cage or waits outside.  She pisses anywhere in the house she feels like.  And whenever she sees our dog, she decides to basically jump over him and knock him over.  So it's been a stressful weekend in that regard, but back to the BBQ.  Went to Heather's around 6:30 and a bunch of people were there already.  We played some volleyball and show are extreme ineptitude at sports.  Oh and before I forget, here's the guestlist: Heather (of course it was at her house), Casey, Andrew, Graham, Greg, Tony, Jim, Kristin, Jen, Jin, Tiffany, Danielle, Alka, Alisa, Monica, and Ryan Thompson.  Basically our whole senior calc class was invited, so of course, our calc teacher, Mr. Harrington was there too.  So anyways, after volleybal we all ate.  Then I ended up calling Luke and said hey and then passed the phone and I think everyone said hello.  Then we all played water balloon volleyball.  Each team had a sheet to catch the balloon in and toss the balloon back.  It eventually ended with Heather deciding to bring a balloon over to our team's sheet and then throw it at Greg (although she said she was going to hit me but she saw I already knew what she was going to do).  Then our team with through with what we planned, we went for all the water balloons and started throwing.  Right away I got hit by one from Tony which he popped before he threw it so I was soaked all down the front of my clothes.  Then I got hit from behind by Alisa and was completely soaked all over.  That's when I decided to go into guerrilla warfare.  I went to my car and got out a supersoaker that for some reason is kept in there for just such an unusual situation, or for drive by soakings.  Anyways, I got that and got a few people, but eventually all hell broke loss as two more huge water guns were brought out and both the hoses were used.  Eventually most of the people involved were completely soaked and the dry people were gone after too.  I think Greg and Jim finally did what I thought of before the party would be the funniest thing ever, the poured a bucket of water on Harrington.  And he didn't get mad he got involved and soaked some other people.  Then we tried to dry off and went inside.  Some people had a change of clothes, they were the smart ones.  After talking for a bit we went and played spoons starting with like 12 people.  Somehow I ended up winning.  Then we played "Gestures" which is like charades but with a little different stuff.  Our team was the losers and we did good to live up to our name.  Then we played Trivial Pursuit.  Our team lost again but I had fun just going through the sports questions.  Then most of us, including me left.  Yesterday, I went back to Heather's to pick up the stuff I left.  I ended up having lunch with her and her parents because I decided that there was no food in our house and I didn't want to spend money on lunch.  Then at 7, I had some people over for poker night.  We played a straight up money game with dealer calling the game.  I ended up taking everyone's money.  Then we played a tournament.  I started off slow because I couldn't get any cards but I finally ended up going all in on Ace-Queen off suit.  I had a chance to almost quad up.  I hit an ace on the flop and beat out pocket Kings and pocket threes.  From there I got better cards here and there.  I ended up in the finally two and he had about 60% of the chips so I offer to split the winning and we did.  So for the night I ended up with a $35 profit.  For the three poker games that I've played this summer, I am up $50, not bad for small games. 
What Up:
I need to figure out who all is going to the BNL concert and then I need to get tickets.
Quote of the Day:
Lisa(reading an invitation): Come to Homer's BBBQ. The extra B is for BYOBB.
Bart: Hey, Homer, what's that B for?
Homer: That's a typo.
Song of the Day: "Summer in the City" by Joe Cocker

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Picture of the Day 07-15-04 - All you have to say is earmuffs.

Picture of the Day 07-15-04 - All you have to say is earmuffs.
I got one of the shirts that I ordered today.  It's a play on the movie Old School which you should see if you haven't already.
In Rolled up Aces over Kings news:
I played poker with Greg and Tony last night and Karen also stopped by for a little bit to say hello.  We played dealer's choice on who decides each game.  We played some hold'em but also played 7 card stud, omaha, 5 card draw, and chicago.  The night started of slow but then I started making some good moves and made a bit of a run.  I made a lot of good moves and made draws pay to catch which they didn't most of the night.  In the end I was up $20.  I have been getting a lot of requests for more poker nights, so I guess I'll try to schedule a couple more.
In Family Matters:
Went out to lunch with my mom today and ran a few errands with her.  She seemed to have fun but things have been even tougher for her than they have for me.  When we came back home she wasn't doing to well.  She's been mentally exhausted for to long now.  I want to help and try when I can but sometimes I don't know what to do.
What Up:
BBQ is tommorrow, I have to remember to pick up a few things beforehand.
Quote of the Day: "At this point, you might be asking yourself, 'why am I holding this 30lb. Cinder block in my hands? You might also ask yourself, 'why does this cinder block have a long piece of string tied to it? And finally, why is the other end of this string tied securely to your penis?" - Mitch from Old School
Song of the Day: "Joy to the World" by Three Dog Night, cause Jeremiah was a Bullfrog

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Picture of the Day 07-13-04 Midnight Movie

Picture of the Day 07-13-04 Midnight Movie

So on Saturday night I went with Kristin and two of her friends to the midnight movie at the 15 cine. Saw Office Space and was actually real cool to see on the big screen. They had trivia before and it was fun. Also one of the funniest things that happened was before the movie. Kristin's brother was there with a friend and as he walked up her friend said really loud, "Hey Kristin, look! It's your LITTLE BABY BROTHER. The one in the YELLOW is your LITTLE BABY BROTHER." That had to be embarassing cause we cracked up and even a lot of other people in the theater were laughing.

Today I went to the post office and saw the weirdest thing. An old caravan pulled up, it looked like a piece of crap. But the had Spinners on the the wheels. I wish I had a camera to take a picture cause that was not a car that should of had spinners.

What up:
BBQ is at Heather's and is on Friday. Tonight is the second pair of episodes oof the WSOP which I'm going to watch instead of the MLB All Star game.

This was postponed to see if the Cardinals could win their last two games of the first half (they were 1-1). The home run derby was last night. It was ok, I wish Rolen or Pujols was in it but what can you do. The softball game afterwards was pretty good and I got to see Ozzie hit three times with a homer. At the break, the Cardinals are 7 games ahead in the central and are playing great, since the last blog baseball update, they are 8-1.

Quote of the Day: "Shiloh is actually getting big, but really only cause it's basically a suburb of O'Fallon. That's sad." - Me
Song of the Day: "Rockin' the Suburbs" by Ben Folds

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Poker games and other stuff

Picture of the Day 07-10-04 Poker games and other stuff

Previous Escapades:
On Wednesday, I went to Sarah's softball game and watched with the rest of the family. Had lots of fun talking with everyone and then playing catch with Adam. Sarah didn't do to well in the game but that didn't really matter. Lets see, poker night was Thursday. Ended up having about 12 people come. There were 5 people in the money game. I lost most of my chips on a bad beat. I flopped two pair and Greg had an inside straight draw. He bet and then I raised for at least 1/3 of his chips (and he was in a solid second place) and he called and of course caught his straight. The rest of the night was fun though. I went over to the non-money game and had some fun. And after most of the people left, there was a chip fight where chips were thrown, batted, and aimed at targets. Chips were everywhere. On Friday I cleaned up downstairs to get ready for Matt, Amy, and Thomas to come visit. When they got here, me and Matt finished painting everything.

What Up:
Matt, Amy, and Thomas are staying til tommorrow, I'll probably do stuff with them til then. Uhhh, Casey and Heather's BBQ is next weekend or the one after, I think. Not much else up as far as I know.

In the Movie Corner:
The Hustler was a decent movie. It was all in black and white which I didn't mind. The begining and end were the only real parts with pool in it. The movie was a little unusual but still ok. I give it a 4 out 7 stars.

Fantasy news:
I'm in first place in my Sporting News league, which is the only one that I check regularly. I'm fading in my yahoo leagues and this is usually the time where I don't care anymore and just give up.

TWIB will be postponed to see how superstitious I am.

Quote of the Day: "What are ya crazy" - Christopher Walken in Poolhall Junkies (the words just don't give this quote justice)
Song of the Day: Boys of Summer" (the Original) by Don Henley

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Picture of the Day 07-06-04 Lightning, Tigers, and Fallen Trees, oh my

Picture of the Day 07-06-04 Lightning, Tigers, and Fallen Trees, oh my.

So it rained real hard last night and lightninged (I think I made up a new word) a lot. The wind blew real hard and blew a big branch off of the tree in our front yard. Today, I cut off some of it's smaller branches and then hauled off the big piece. The strom actually blew off some of the street signs in the area.

What up:
The new 2004 WSOP starts in 4 and 1/2 hours. It's going to be sweet, I found out that they'll also be showing the 7 card stud and omaha tourney's too. I am helping Tony pack some stuff in August for his move back to Colorado for school.

Quote of the Day: "You can't lose what you don't put in the pot, but you can't win much either" - Mike McD (Matt Damon) in Rounders
Song of the Day: "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin

Monday, July 05, 2004

Picture of the Day 07-05-04 Happy Fourth of July a day late

Picture of the Day 07-05-04 Happy Fourth of July a day late.

Well I'm a day late but happy Independence Day. Ended up not doing really anything for the holiday except watching the fireworks on TV with my mom. She was in decent spirits and I got her watching Robin Williams on tv and she got to laughing real good for the one of the first times in a while.

What up:
Not much new to report except that I can't wait for Tuesday night because ESPN will finally be showing the 2004 World Series of Poker.

Quote of the Day: "That's a winner!" - Jack Buck after every Cardinals win
Song of the Day: "Mo Money, Mo Problems" by Puff Daddy and Mase (who just unretired and is back in the rap game)

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Picture of the Day 07-03-04 Pick your pony

Picture of the Day 07-03-04 Pick your pony.

The picture is of a betting slip cause I went to the race track last night with Tony, his mom, and her friend. You only have to be 17 to gamble so I picked a few horses. I almost one the trifecta which would have paid out about a thousand dollars on that race. In the end I came out down a few bucks but it was a cool night.

What up:
Turns out that Matt, Amy, and the kids are not coming down this weekend. Family BBQ may end up being here tommorrow. Heather and Casey are having a BBQ two weeks from today. Poker night got moved to 9 but is still on for Thursday. It's Alka's birthday this week, she's going to see Spiderman 2 and the everyone is meeting for dinner or something. I'm going to meet up with everyone after the movie. Still thinking of a good gift for Alka.

Quote of the Day: "To Be Anounced, that's a great name for a race horse." - Me in amazement looking through the names of all the horses.
Song of the Day: "It's All About the Benjamin's" by P. Diddy when he still was Puff Daddy

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Picture of the Day 07-01-04 Guess what movie I saw.

Picture of the Day 07-01-04 Guess what movie I saw.

No really guess. Well I saw Spiderman 2 today with Casey and Dre. I didn't want to like it but I did. It did answered every question that I had and gave me an idea of what the next movie will be like. Dre went so far as to call it the best comic book movie of all-time. I couldn't think of any comic book movies. But after looking it up, I think my favorite comic book movie was Men In Black. Also X2 and Batman Forever are just as good as Spiderman 2. But Spiderman did the best job of putting a human face with a superhero. I give it 9 out of 11 stars. Also bought the Hustler with Paul Newman on DVD today, which I'll review when I see it. Also got my oil changed

What Up:
Going to the horse track tommorrow night, we'll see how it goes. Saturday afternoon, my brother and family are coming to visit, should be busy. Poker night still is a go for Thursday but might be moved back to 9 PM.

Quote of the Day: "May all your cards be live and your pots be monster." - Mike Sexton commentator on the WPT.
Song of the Day: "Dream On" Aerosmtih