Saturday, April 23, 2005

That's a winner

Picture of the Day 05-23-05
Well, Me, Matt, Dave, Nico, and Lenny went to the baseball game on Friday night. It was a great game. Here's all that happened.

Is This a Sign That We Shouldn't Go?
We planned on leaving Champaign at 3 to head to the game. Since everyone except Nico had class til 3, we had him get the car. The car was at the E-14 lot. Nico didn't go to the right lot though. So he was late to get the car and since he was getting directions from his friend on his cell, we didn't know what was going on. Matt ended up going down to E-14 while Lenny and I waited to see if Nico would show up. Eventually Nico call and said he got to the lot, but then he couldn't find the car even. Then Matt showed and we had hope again. He found the car and got in with Nico. And of course, the car wouldn't start because the battery was dead. So they tried to get it jumped, but for some reason it wouldn't jump. So, Lenny and I went to go get Dave and walk to E-14 to get Lenny's little car in case we needed to buy Matt's car a new battery. When we started to walk to Dave's, it started to rain. All of this wasn't a good sign. But right after we got Dave, Matt called. He had the car running and picked us up. We finally left Champaign at 4:15ish.

The Long and Winding Road:
We we're kinda bored for the ride there, so we decided to play a game. We played the name game, except with baseball players. So, one person said a name and the next person had to say a name where the first name started with the same letter that the previous player's last name started with. So if one person said Mike Piazza the next would say Pablo Ozuna (my favorite name that I used cause everyone was trying to give me a hint, saying to think of a Spanish first name. They were thinking Pedro. Maybe you had to be there). You got three strikes (passes) if you couldn't think of one after a little bit. We played the whole car ride there and actually the whole car ride back too. It could be said that either me, Lenny, or Matt won. There were some rule changes later that let people get back in and some other stuff too.

Baseball Been Berry Berry Good to Me:
The game was great. We sat in the right field bleachers. Good seats for the price. We got to the game a little late, we blamed Nico for that, but he bought everyone dinner at the game so it made up for it. Big inning for the Cards in the second inning. Note: you don't put Reggie Sanders on to pitch to So Taguchi, he's the man. It was so cold at the game, the temp said 50 but it seemed so much colder with the wind. Dave even signed up for a credit card just to get a free blanket. The game got close late and we moved to better seats. Me and Matt showed the guys the finer points of Busch stadium. Then Izzy closed out the game and we won 8-7.

Random Stats:
The new Busch stadium that they're building looks great. They put up a lot of the brick and the outside looks great. The inside looks good too. The top of the stadium has different kinds of arches but they still look nice. The inside really is looking like a ballfield, it's great. Also, on the way out of the parking lot to the highway, Matt decide to blast some rap music. He rolled down the windows and opened his sunroof. When we got to the highway, he tried to close everything. The sunroof wouldn't close so we drove back to champaign with the sunroof open the whole way. It's was a little chilly.

Quote of the Day: Me: "Actually out of the all the Kevin Smith movies, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back cost the most."
Elleni: "I can understand that, they had to get monkeys and other animals."
-Jay and Silent Bob cost like over 10 million, mostly cause of the monkeys I guess
Song of the Day: "In a Gada da Vida" by Iron Butterfly - All 17 minutes of it.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Hello Springfield

Picture of the Day 05-21-05
This is who I was with on Saturday. Thomas had his first birthday last week and I hadn't seen him in ages. He got big. He's walking now and it's adorable just to watch him walk around. I got to see my mom, Matt, Amy, and DC too. I had a great time and wish I could of spent more time with everyone. My brother ended up driving me back to school. He hung out for a bit. He really had fun drawing stuff on our walls in chalk. I took him out for dinner and then he left. He said he had a real good time.

Technology Sucks News: Kimmy's computer is broke. Like it was hard enough being so far away, now we can't talk as much. She tries to use a friend's computer to email me and im me if I'm here but it's nothing like our conversations before, there just too short.

In Class Out the Ass News:
I am finally done with all my tests until finals. It'll be smooth sailing until then, it's great. I got a B on my ECE test the other day. I got a D though on my GE test but at least I did good on the first one. And I think I did reall good on the TAM test the other day, but we'll see.

Red Means Go:
I'm going down to St. Louis tommorrow for the Cardinals game. It should be great. It looks like it'll be me, Matt, Dave, Lenny, and Nico.

Quote of the Day: "That's what you get for being smart, you have to take more hours." - Elleni. Got love that what she said is completely right.
Song of the Day: "Chewbacca" by Supernova. I bought the Clerks soundtrack and this is one of the best songs on it, only 3 lines in the song, but hilarious nonetheless

Friday, April 15, 2005

You Two, Fight to the Death

So Now Apparently I'm Richard III.
I have officially been attacked by Kimmy, the other front. She compared me to Richard III. I don't know what that means but I'm told that it's bad. I tried to negotiate peace but neither would have it, so war you will both get. This war is not supposed to be mean, and I am not worried because neither of these two could be mean. But I'm sure I could be embarassed, but I really can't embarass them that well, this might be a quick war. Oh by the way, if you want to follow the other side of this war, the losing side, here are links to their blogs. Kimmy's
and Elleni's. Both of them, I have to say are subpar blogs, come one, I have pictures, they have smiley faces. They intend to conquer me, ha (*see below*). So Elleni and Kimberly, Bring it on. No matter what though, I still heart both of you. I'm sorry Kim but I have to tell people this, you need to go to school a little more. Kim believes that Dinosaurs are extinct because they smoked. Pardon my friend, she's a little slow. kkkkkkmay.
That's all for now

*Oh yeah, they think I'll lose if they conquer me. Two women trying to conquer me, at the same time, should be fun. Either way I win.

Blog War. Oh Yeah, It's On!

Picture of the Day 05-15-05
This is the Iraq to my Kuwait (not sure if this is even a good analogy, if not, substitute USA for Kuwait). This is Elleni taking a swipe at me and my camera. She wanted to throw down, verbally that is. So she started a blog war. She posted some stuff about me in her blog trying to make me sound like a jerk (like she needed to quote me to make me sound like a jerk, I do ok on my own). She even misquoted me so I'm gonna quote her. This is some of the stuff she's said: "I'm" "mean". "I" "eat" "children". "I" "like" "UNC". Listen to all that, how can she even attack me, it wasn't a pre emptive strike. She started this war and it will go on until she concedes the war by giving me some of her country (a spot in her blog) or until I get bored by all this. Oh yeah, she even tried to bring Kimmy in on this to start a war on multiple fronts. You won the first battle on a sneak attack Elleni but I've won this battle and will win the war.

That was all I really wanted to post on but I'll give you a quote and a song.

Quote of the Day: "In the US you say, 'would you like to go out for dinner' and in Canada we say, 'you wanna fight'" - One of the guys in BNL during a concert
Song of the Day: "King of Bedside Manor" by BNL, yeah I've been listening to a bit of BNL lately.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Tommy Can You Hear Me

Picture of the Day 05-13-05
This is a picture of my nephew, Thomas. His 1st birthday is Friday. On Saturday I'm going to go to Springfield to see him, my mom, Matt, and Amy to celebrate. He's been walking for a bit now but I haven't seen him in awhile so I haven't seen him walk yet. I can't wait to see him and the rest of my family on Saturday.

It's For Cancer News:
Last Friday night I went to the soccer field on the south end of campus. I went with Lenny to support Elleni and everyone else walking for relay for life. Stayed there til almost 4. I had a good time. We walked some laps, listened to some live music, played bags, watched some games of dodgeball, and even tackled a guy in a cigarette costume (that guy got rocked a few times. never underestimate how much people will want to hurt random people if they can). Anyways, had a good time and hey, it was for cancer.

Study, Study, Study:
Most of the week I've been studying for my TAM 212 test today. It didn't go to well, I made some stupid mistakes and just didn't feel like I knew enough of my stuff. And now that I'm done with that test, I've got 2 more next week. I'll be studying some more but after that, no more tests til finals. Can't wait. It seems like all I do lately is work, it'll be nice to relax a little.

You Knew It Was Coming:
Well if you've read any of the past few posts, you probably knew this was coming, Kimmy time. Still been talking like crazy and been wanting to see each other like crazy. Sometimes it really sucks that we can't be near each other but it's so great to talk to her that I deal with it. She's so sweet and caring, I can't wait to see her.

Quote of the Day: "I'm a hug whore." - Elleni. She said this because Kimmy had Elleni hug me so Elleni could describe it to her.
Song of the Day: "Du" by David Hasslehoff. Yes that is the song of the day, but it's more of a joke than anything. This is the song from Eurotrip. So funny found it on the network and took it, the entire song is absolutely hilarious.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Picture of the Day 04-07-05
This is the pic of the day because it's from a conversation I had with Kimmy, sorry but I don't feel like explaining it. But who doesn't think Jello is awesome and out of everyone who knows her, who doesn't think that Kimmy is awesome. By the way, me and Kimmy are still trying to find a good time to visit the other, hope it's before schools over, but at least I'll see her then.

March Madness, It's a Riot:
Well, the Illini lost in the championship game the other day to UNC. It sucked. Afterwards some idiots did stupid stuff. From the apartment I saw a couple fires and a possible arrest. We really had a great season and I am glad it happened even if we lost in the end. I'm gonna miss Jack, Luther, and Roger; wish they could come back for next season. And if they go pro, I'm gonna miss Deron and Dee too. After the game I was kinda depressed and lets just say if I'm ever sad again, I'm sure Kimmy and Elleni won't let me be for too long.

In Red Means Go News:
The Cardinals started their season with a win and then a loss in Houston. Starting pitching and the lineup looked good. The bullpen was kinda shaky but hopefully they'll pick it up. I watched the first game on my computer because I ordered this thing on that lets you watch the games. It's great cause they don't show many of the games here in Champaign.

In Class Out the Ass News:
I've had 2 tests in the past 2 days. The physics test yesterday was really hard but somehow I got a C+on it which is awesome. I had a GE test today and I felt pretty good about it. But we'll see when I get it back. Oh yeah, I also got my 251 test back. I got a 5/20 on it which curved to a 60%. The prof for that class is horrible, he makes the tests too hard for everyone and his lectures are worthless. There's even a hate group for him on facebook.

Quote of the Day: "I Love Lamp" - from Anchorman. I watched it the other day with Elleni and Kimmy watched from farther away.
Song of the Day: "Layla" by Eric Clapton. Classic song, I heard it the other day on my Ipod or as I like to call it, my ILLINIpod (because I've got an orange case on it). I heard this song the other day falling asleep for a nap.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Celebrate Good Times Come On!

Picture of the Day 04-04-05
Well this was the scene after the Illini beat Louisville on Saturday night. I don't have them now but I'll try and get our pictures from the night up sometime soon. Well here's what happened. A bunch of people hung in our room and watched the game. I had the orange windex. Roger Powell had a huge second half for us an propelled us to victory. We play UNC tonight for the championship. Ok, so after the game we went to Follinger. A bunch of people were there. There was crowd surfing and people just chanting stuff and of course a lot of orange. Then we walked to green street. On the way ran into Heather and said hello. So green street was blocked off and we walked down the middle of the street. Sounds stupid but it was cool to me. We were all drunk and ended up taking a picture with two cops in the middle of green street, pretty funny. Then we came back to the room hung out. Drank some more. Funny random moments. I pushed over Kieron and took his drink from him, cause he was underage was my reasoning. Alan had friends come visit and one dropped their disposable camera in the toliet, nothing like going to pee and finding a camera waiting for you.

Movie Review:
I went to go see Sin City on Friday. It was pretty good. I like the way they filmed it and the story was pretty good. It kind of left me wanting a little more, but still good. I give it 3 out of 4 thumbs up.

Boring Sunday News:
Sunday was pretty boring, I mostly did work and watched some dvds. But later, I got to talk to Kimmy and that was great cause I didn't talk to her much thus weekend. She has a no aim rule for weekends. She broke it a few times but I was away doing stuff.

ok big games coming up so I gotta go. but before I forget, most of the campus wore orange today, it was awesome walking down the street and seeing so much of it. at dinner tonight, only like 5 people weren't wearing orange, so cool.

Quotes of the Day: "I can't believe they got the Pope to be in Eurotrip." - Mike during the basketball game, he was a little confused for a bit.
"Powell for Pope" - Our new motto after Roger Powells huge game.
Song of the Day: "Say It Ain't So" by Weezer. Was singing it yesterday. One of my favorite all time songs.

Friday, April 01, 2005

I L L....I N I

Picture of the Day 04-01-05
This is a picture of one of Deron Williams huge threes in overtime last week. The game was an Elite Eight game vs a very good Arizona team. With 4:08 left, we were somehow down 15 after keeping the game close up until a few minutes earlier. Then something amazing happened, we went on a crazy run and forced overtime. In overtime, Deron was huge. He and the Illini pulled out the win by one. The Illini are now in the Final Four in St. Louis. They play Louisville tommorrow night, should be a tough but great game. I can't wait. If we win we play in the final game against the winner of the Michigan State-North Carolina game. Also, I won the $1 bracket I'm in, I won $15. I could win Dixon's $10 bracket if the Illini win and so does Michigan State. I would still get money though if at least Illinois wins it all, but if UNC wins it all then I actually don't get anything. We'll see what happens but all I can say is Go Big Ten and GO ILLINI.

You Might Be Asking Yourself,
Doug why are you posting again the day after your first post in forever? You don't want to get ahead of yourself do you? Well Kimmy has made a few posts in her blog and said in the last post how she hope that would get me to post (that girl can't get enough of me, lol). So I'm gonna try in get in the habit of making posts so I stay updated and don't forget so much and I figure she'll update hers more this way too.

What's happened in the past 24 hours? Well last night I talked to Kimmy a bit. I also played some poker with the guys, over the whole day (I played early in the afternoon and at night) I was up about $30, so I played well. Then I kinda had nothing to do for a bit and played a little on ub. Then I had a little to drink and watched a few movies cause my room was occupied. Sean and Lenny came out at times and watched too and shot the shit so to speak. Karen from across the hall came by and we had had an odd conversation. After all that I had a conversation with Elleni just before I went to bed. I really enjoyed and it was good to see her happier than she had been earlier in the day. This morning I hear my alarm go off at 8 after going to bed around 4:40. Hit the snooze, decided to skip my 9 AM and went back. Woke up at like 10:15, realized I just missed Kim before her class. I got ready and got some lunch and then I went to class. ECE was same old same old, then me, Dave, and Joe went to the TAM help room to get help on a homework problem which ended up being easy. It was hilarious though cause most of the time they were just blowing up ballons that our TAM prof gave us in lecture to demonstrate something. Everyone in the room was working hard and we were laughing at each other as we were blowing up balloons. Went to TAM lecture at 2 and realized that he was doing stuff we already did so I just left and have been chilling here since then.

Quotes of the Day: "You think April's to early for a Roger Dorn Night?"
"Well he's gonna walk Beck to pitch to Parkman obviously Taylor's thinking... I don't know WHAT the hell he's thinking. "
"Cerrano led the league in home runs, rbi's, and total bladness"
All those are there cause one of the movies I watched last night was Major League
Song of the Day: "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" by Crosby, Stills, and Nash - I listened to there whole first cd today and remembered how great that whole cd actually is.