Friday, August 27, 2004

Write Back!

Picture of the Day 08-27-04 - Write Back!

Yesterday I hung a notebock out or window on a cord and it went down to the floor below us. It said, "What's Up," "I'm trapped in my room," and "Write Back." It was pretty funny cause all the windows have screens but we messed with ours and got it opened.

Animal House, House, House:
We went to Markoff's frat last night and played cards. The other people playing were really bad and incredibly easy to read. I won $17 and am up to $36 for the semester in 4 days.

Quote of the Day: "Cubs Suck" - Me. Cause I wrote in on our window in big block letters, maybe one person will see it.
Song of the Day: "Rockin' the Suburbs" -Ben Folds cause I was listening to it on the Itunes network here at IT and the Ipod is stil broke.


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