Friday, August 27, 2004

Write Back!

Picture of the Day 08-27-04 - Write Back!

Yesterday I hung a notebock out or window on a cord and it went down to the floor below us. It said, "What's Up," "I'm trapped in my room," and "Write Back." It was pretty funny cause all the windows have screens but we messed with ours and got it opened.

Animal House, House, House:
We went to Markoff's frat last night and played cards. The other people playing were really bad and incredibly easy to read. I won $17 and am up to $36 for the semester in 4 days.

Quote of the Day: "Cubs Suck" - Me. Cause I wrote in on our window in big block letters, maybe one person will see it.
Song of the Day: "Rockin' the Suburbs" -Ben Folds cause I was listening to it on the Itunes network here at IT and the Ipod is stil broke.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Engineering Campus


South Quad

The view, way back there you can see FAR, the two buildings across from where we stayed last year


Our video game setup

My Desk

Living room with Alan's makeshift desk, the table was stolen from our lounge

Alan's Crappy Desk

Virtual Tour of Our Room at IT and the View Out the Window

Gotta Get That Dirt Off Your Shoulders

Picture of the Day 08-26-04 Gotta Get That Dirt Off Your Shoulders

Julian Tavarez got a 10 day suspension the other day for having a cap like this with a "foreign" substance. It such crap, even ESPN was saying how stupid it is. Cards are still doin good though.

In Class Out the Ass News:
No Physics until next week which is cool. Yesterday I had 3 classes. First was Math 385 which is Differential Equations (Dif Eq). Dave, Sean, and Du are all in that class with which will be cool. The teacher can't speak good English so it'll be back to that again. Class doesn't seem to bad right now but we'll see. It looks like about 20 problems homework a week. Right after that class I had TAM (Theoretical and Applied Mathematics) 211 which is actually just Statics. Me and Dave have the same lecture so we went to that too. Didn't seem too bad either only 3 homework problems a week and the first few weeks should be review. Then I after that I had my last class of the day, Philosophy 101 which is just an Intro course. It had a lot of reading and writing involved and didn't seem to have the kind of stuff I wanted to do so I ended up dropping that class and I'm only taking 13 hours this semester. That's kind of a light schedule but I'm gonna load up next semester and try to take a class at SWIC this summer. Today I only had two classes, Math 225 which is gonna be ridiculously easy. And if the teacher doesn't get an assistant we won't have any homework. Then I came back to IT, ran into Voels almost literally walking back. I remembered that I actually had another class today at 3 that I forgot about. I had GE 161 which is Engineering and Business. Seemed like another one that I can get by with.

In Interior Deocrating News:
We moved the furniture in the living room a bunch and now finally have everything set up. We have: 2 TVs, PS2, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Sega, and regular Nintendo with a stockpile of games and movies. My room is kind of organized madness still.

We're All Gonna Die News:
Last night we had a tornado watch and a storm rolled in. It was hilarious though cause the girls across the hall were really worried and we thought nothing was wrong. We looked out our window and everything looked fine, except our window faces the west, we went to their window and it was pitch black. We came back to our room and watch the storm clouds roll in right over us maybe only 40 feet above, which was pretty cool.

In Rolled Up Aces Over Kings News:
So far we have played poker for the last three nights. I'm up $19 so far. Last night I was just kind hanging around even and got pocket aces and another guy had sevens. He raised preflop and I reraised him. Nothing hit on the flop and I bet about half my stack, he called. Then I went all in on the turn, he thought I was trying to buy the pot and called and i=I got paid off. The guy was from on our floor, his name is Matt. He lives by Mt. Vernon and is Cardinals fan too.

Quote of the Day: "The (NL) central sucks." - a stupid cub fan on the floor responding to me saying we were in first place by like 15 games. Apparently she didn't know what division the cubs were in.
Song of the Day: "Scotty Doesn't Know" by Lustra (Matt Damon in the movie). This is a hilarious song from the movie Eurotrip, which we watched the other night. It was a great movie hilarious. Also the song isn't one from my Ipod cause it f'ed up yesterday and isn't working right. I'm mighty pissed and am gonna have to go to the apple store when I go home next weekend to get stuff.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Movin On Up to a Deluxe Apartment in the Sky

Picture of the Day 08-23-04 Movin On Up to a Deluxe Apartment in the Sky.

So I moved in yesterday at Illini Tower (IT). We have a real nice room with a good view and everything. On the picture, the arrow points to about where our room is, 13th floor. Movin was hectic but didn't forget too much. Went to Buffalo for lunch, helped pick up Sean's stuff from storage, and picked up some stuff at Walmart. My room is still a mess and I'm not all unpacked yet but will be eventually. All is well.

Quote of the Day: "Lets play some fucking cards." from Rounders, cause I really want to play some cards.
Song of the Day: "All Star" by Smashmouth because some idiot upstairs last night was listening to all this rap real loud and then all of a sudden the next song was All Star.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I'm in the Bonus Money

Picture of the Day 08-20-04 - I'm in the Bonus Money

I won my first poker tournament that had more than 15 people in it. It was a 2500 person freeroll on ultimate bet. I played for 5 hours. I didn't make too many mistakes and I lmade some great lay downs, including laying down a set of 10's on the flop because I made a great read on a guy who had a flush. For winning, I got $115 bonus dollars which can convert to that money if I play enough hands for real money on their site.

What Up:
Today I am going to open a bank account at Commerce Bank because I finally closed my account at the shitty Union Planters. Going out to dinner with the family tonight for Little Curt's b-day. I need to start packing over the next few days and then I leave for school on Sunday. Right now, I'm in first place of another 2500 person tournament but the top 50 all get the same prize. I just plan on hanging around in that tournament til I get my prize.

Adventures With (not really) Disposable Income:
Here is some of the stuff I recently wasted money and some stuff that's kinda cool. MP3s of the BNL concert that I went to a few weeks ago. I also have a nice set of cheap fake clay poker chips and some felt that came with it. My biggest mistake was going to Best Buy to "just" get Kill Bill volume 2. I ended up walking out with: Kill Bill volume 2, Jackie Brown, X-Men 1 and 2 (I bought this cause I thought it was only $20, but when I got to the register I realized I misread it and it was $30), Bad News Bears, SNL Best of Will Ferrel, and Swordfish. I also just got a new Illini hat and a cool new blue,grey, and white Cardinals hat. And after that, I was near broke. But I got the moeny from my Union Planters account, so now I'm not broke.

Quote of the Day: "Finally back at school...time to start the 10 days of drunken madness." - Voels, in his profile.
Song of the Day: "Welcome Back" by Ma$e not just cause mo money, mo problems, but because I make my money without the coka, I'm livin la vida without the loca.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Yes, Eat All Our Shirts

Picture of the Day 08-11-04

Just realized that I haven't posted pics of what my other recently bought shirts look like (as I type this, I'm realizing how sad my blog has become when I'm posting pics of my shirts). Anyways, this is a Tommy Boy reference and I now promise never to post a picture of one of my shirts again.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Is this funny, or is it just me?

Picture of the Day 08-10-04 - Is this funny, or is it just me?

While I was helping Tony pack up for school, I saw this on the moving truck that Tony rented. I had just woke up, but I thought that this sign was hilarious. I figured just put shit in any way you feel like, but they had instructions. Anyways, I liked the sign so much that I stole it off the truck and kept it.

All the News That's Fit to Print:
A lot has gone on since my last post so I may forget some stuff but here goes. On Thursday, I think, I went putt-putt with Greg and Kristin at Centerfield. We had some fun. Also hit the cages, in softball. Seemed like my old baseball swing was still there, but it was only softball. I went and tried to pick up a pretty good set off 200 count chips for $20 at Toys R Us. I hadn't been there in what seemed like forever. Everything had changed and I was lost searching for the chips, the store seemed like they want to trap people in it. I couldn't find the right chips, just more expensive ones that I didn't like. After that I hung out at Kristin's with Greg and for a little bit, Kristin's brother, Kerry(sp?). Anyways we shared funny stories, hung out, and heard more info on why The Village sucked. We decided to have a movie/poker night the next day at Kristin's.

In TGIF news:
On Friday, I woke up early for me, and helped Tony pack up his stuff. Mostly just moved boxes around, arranged, and rearranged. After that I got some stuff done around the house. Then I went out with my family to Dandy Inn's to eat to celebrate my aunt Jeanie's birthday. It was pretty funny. We ate outside and on the way in bringing a pizza to the kids, Sue dropped their pizza in rocks. The kids were made and so was Sue but everyone else joked about it all night. Also I got in trouble with Jeanie because I told her Little Curt about her and Carolyn watering Mike's possible marijuana plants. Also, my mom kept hearing this random beep every once in awhile. After a little bit, we found out that it was her phone, cause she had tons of voicemail. She was checking the wrong thing on her phone she had voicemails from a couple of weeks ago. It was hectic trying to tell her how to use it and do everything on there and then I had to tell all the other old people what I was doing. After all that, everyone came back to our house for cake and ice cream. I played with the kids for a little bit and then talked with some people. I left at 9 to go to Kristin's thing. As I left, I saw Matt, Amy, and Thomas pull up to the house. They were staying here this weekend. When I got to Kristin's I taught everyone some other kinds of poker and then we had a $1 tourney as we watched Rounders. The guestlist was: Andrew, Brandon, Casey, Greg, Jim, Kristin, and Tony. I made a dollar from the tourney making my summer total $65. It will probably stay there since I don't know enough people who will play here who are still in town. Anyways, we finished up the movie and everyone seemed to like it. Said my goodbyes to Tony and Greg since they were going back to school soon.

In Weekend Update:
ON Saturday I woke up to my brother intentionally waking me up early. He was hold Thomas and said later that Thomas woke me up and not him. I hung out with the family and in the afternoon; me, Matt, and Amy went to Centerfield. We played putt-putt. Also hit in the cages, this time baseball, 60 and 70 mph. I hit the ball pretty good and my brother said that he thought I did real good. I guess I can still swing the bat alright. Then we did the go-carts. The ones we did were like modeled after Nascars. The only problem was that they each had a roof. I was to tall and drove with my head tilted. That was fun. Then we rode the bumper boats. I was the only one to stay out of the waterfall, but they both squirted me really good. Then we came home. I felt sick and ended up taking a nap. On Sunday, they all left in the afternoon. I read the paper and did real good on the crossword. Then the family met at my cousin's house for Luke's birthday. I entertained the kids most of the time. They wanted to kick my butt at the Mario Kart for GameCube, but I ended up suprising them and I think they got a little angry. Later that night I went out to see Collateral with Jen and Kristin. It was a great movie. Out of all the movies that I've seen this summer in the theater, it was the best. It may have just been because it wasn't hyped up like all the other but I walked out of the theater satisfied. Then I said my goodbye to Kristin before she left for School.

Odds and Ends:
I borrowed a scanner from Little Curt and now I'm trying to scan a bunch of stuff before I go back to school. The picture of the day was actually my first scan.

What Up:
Tommorrow I have to go to Best Buy and get Kill Bill Vol. 2. Also, I think I'm going to rent the new Madden when it comes out. I need to check up on rescheduling some of my classes. I also need to go to my old bank and straighten out my acount before I close it. Then I have to open a new account somewhere else. I also need to get some of my stuff together because I go back to school in less than two weeks. And in between, I'll be playing a bunch of freerolls and scanning a bunch of stuff.

Quote of the Day: "Kerry Wood was arrested for public was his first relief appearance in years." - Charlie Steiner highlight from Sportscenter Old School that was on Tonight.
Song of the Day: "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen, another one from the iPod.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Picture of the Day 08-05-04 - HELLO ST. LOUIS!
The concert poster doesn't do the show any justice. Oh yeah and this is gonna be a long post so be prepared.

In five guys who aren't naked news:
I saw the Barenaked Ladies last night at Riverport, or as the man calls it, UMB bank pavillion. Me, Brandon, Jim, Kristin, and Tony all went in the same car with Tony driving. It rained really bad the way up there and before most of the show. Being prepared for only "Scattered Showers" we got soaked. Even my soaks were completely wet. When we got there an usher saidthat even though we had lawn seats we could sit in any of the last 5 rows so we got some decent seats and waited for awhile. We waited with it pouring down rain cause we were already soaked. They played crappy background music as we waited. Then the opening act was a solo guitarist, I forgot his name. He was pretty good and said some funny stuff in between. Then there was a quick break to set up the stage for the next act. I didn't see a big bottomed bass so I knew Alanis was going to open which was a double edged sword. I had to wait for BNL but at least the concert would end on a great note. So Alanis played her set. I'm not really an Alanis fan and I know of some of her songs but I didn't really know any of the words. She played a decent set and for one song BNL came out and sand with her. But she really did nothing besides just singing and playing guitar or harmonica. She didn't really talk to the audience or anything that would make you come to another concert of hers instead of just buying a live cd of hers. Then after her set we had to wait for what seemed like forever for them to set up the stage and the instuments. Then BNL came out and I was pumped. Here's the Set list:
Brian Wilson
Some Fantastic
Maybe Katie
Life In a Nutshell

It's Only Me (Wizard of Magicland)
For You
One Week

Pinch Me
Old Apartment
Skinhead (unrealesed song and the last time they said they played it was in 92)
Just A Toy
Grade Nine ("They called me sir")
It's All Been Done

What a Good Boy
Million Dollars (Alanis came out and played acordian)

2nd Encore:

All the songs were great but I really enjoyed hearing Grade Nine and Million Dollars. Also, the was some funny adlib songs like one about bottles of pee and one about BBQ. Also they gave a review of The Village, it was bad. The said their was a suprise twist about 3/4 through and spoiled it: "About 3/4 of the way through, it turned into a shitty movie." During Shopping they had this really elaborite like dance thing that was absolutely hilarious. I can't wait to buy the show off their site. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I called random people on my cell and let them listen to a song during the concert. I think I got mostly voicemails, but hopefully I'll hear from some people about it.

In Party Down news:
Kristin had what was supposed to be a huge party on Saturday. Like 50 people were supposed to come but a bunch of people were liars or just never showed. Me, Jim, and Kristin went to WalMart before the party to get supplies and then I went back to Kristin's to help prepare for the party. At the party we played poker and I won $15, Kristin actually did really good and got 2nd. I found out the her brother also plays poker so thats another potential player. We sent two people on a random scavenger hunt which was funny for me and Kristin but not for anyone else. It was fun hanging out with everyone and talking.

In Rounding News:
I had a poker night sometime in the past week, can't remember when made a little bit. Overall summer total is $64.

What Up:
I'm supposed to help Tony pack for Colorado on Friday. Also, might be going to the Cardinals game on Sunday. Matt, Amy, and nephew are visiting this weekend. Not much else, still want to see "Manchurian Canidate" and "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle."

Quote of the Day: "When it did it, it was" - Me at Kristin's party making no sense to anyone except me
Song of the Day: "Grade Nine" by Barenaked Ladies, how can I something other than BNL after that kickass concert.