Thursday, September 23, 2004

Posts, Posts, and More Posts

Mario Battle and Poker

The next few posts are all supposed to be seperate little posts all together. This is cause I haven't posted in awhile and a bunch of stuff happened. I can't remember a lot about what I wanted to say about these so the posts should be kinda short.

Last night, we played in a poker tourny on 16. I got out kinda early, I was all in Ace-Queen and up against King-Jack, long story short, Matt with K-J rivered a straight. He at least used my chips well and won the whole thing. After that I played in a side game and lost some cash too. All around I'm on a little losing streak and up $98 for the semester.

After that Me, Alan, and Dixon played Mario til 6 in the morning. We played a bunch of battle from Super Mario 3, it was hilarious.

Lucky Boys Confusion

After The Concert

On Friday, I had tickets to see a Chicago band, Lucky Boys Confusion, at the Canopy. For a little side note: earlier in the day I was cutting something and Sean threw something at me. I ended up cutting out a chunk of skin on my finger. Anyways we met up with some friends of Alan's, Canolli, Jim, and Beams. Anyways we were a little early and the opening bands sucked so we chilled, the LBC came on. Everyone rushed the stage and we got into some moshing and just a bunch of people shoved next to each other. The concert was awesome and I ran into a few people I knew. Anyways at some point during the show, in all the pushing into everyone, my finger cut open again and I started bleading. So a bunch of people prolly got my blood on them and that's why my shirt up there is all covered in blood. It would have been a much cooler story if something at the concert happened to do that but I can't lie.

The Light

The Light

So we were playing Kitchenball one day and we ended up breaking this light.

The Result

The Result

So I was in the field when the light broke and all these shards of glass came flying at me. After it broke, these were scattered all over our kitchen and living room.

The Culprit

The Culprit

This is Matt recreating the breaking of the light. We were playing and I bounced one to him. He buntted it hard into the ground and it bounced up so hard that when it the light and broke the light fixture. You already saw the result. We haven't played Kitchenball since but one day it will return.

Quote of the Day: "It wasn't my fault." - Matt "You hit the ball into the light. How wasn't it your fault?" - Me
Song of the Day: "Atari" by Lucky Boys Confusion - This was one of the songs they played and is one of my favorites. "I don't want to stand here and say I'm sorry, I just wanna drink beer and play Atari."

Monday, September 13, 2004

Are You Ready for Some Football?

Picture of the Day 09-13-04 Are You Ready for Some Football?

The Rams played yesterday and won. Things are looking up for football, eveyone except our offensive line seems healthy. In other St. Louis sports stuff, the Cardinals magic number is 5 and the playoffs are coming up, the only question will be who wins the wildcard, it better not be the Cubs unless we beat them in the playoffs.

In Random Anger and Going off in a Rant News:
I hate this stupid town's allegiance to all things Chicago and then nothing for St. Louis which is just as close. The NFL games are shown from the FOX station in Springfield and still the Bears games are shown over the Rams. So any time both the teams play NFC teams at the same time, I can't watch the Rams. Not only that but no radio station around plays the Rams football games. I have resorted into calling home on my cell phone with free minutes and my mom putting the cell phone next to a radio. Then of course I can only see Cardinals games on the weekends and when they are on nationally, but they show every fucking Cubs game. Just everything here is North bias and I'm getting pissed about it again.
This has been Doug yelling at Chapaign-Urbana.

In Rolled Up Aces Over Kings News:
I got the new Special Edition of Rounders. It's ok. Nothing that really made it necessary to buy except that it is one of my favorite movies ever. Also gambling is going well. I'm up to $114 for the semester and haven't lost a session yet. One night I played in this game on the 10th floor. They played higher blinds and there was a lot more action and a lot less skill. I made a bunch of money and then lost a huge $40-$50 pot and was left with $8. I worked my way back up without going on tilt and added $25 more to my stack. I'm starting to think this could be a big thing for me.

In "There's a Test When?" News:
I had a test in TAM today and a quiz in Diff Eq today. They didn't seem to bad. I've been doin a bit of homework and seem to understand what's going on in most stuff. Everything seems to be under control for now.

Quote of the Day: "Sideshow Bob: Oh, come now! You wanted to be Krusty's sidekick since you were five! What about the buffoon lessons? The four years at Clown College?
Cecil: I'll thank you not to refer to Princeton that way." - Simpsons
Song of the Day: "Morning Train (Nine to Five)" - In my head from Eurotrip.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Kitchen + Ball = Kitchen Ball

Picture of the Day 09-02-04 Kitchen + Ball = Kitchen Ball

How to destroy your room in 5 easy steps:
Me and Alan have started playing catch between the doorways that connect the two bedrooms of our suites. We play with a real ball and have not made it through the doorway several times. This makes the ball bounce off stuff and break anything nearby. After that though, we found out that Lenny has a baseball bat and Alan has a bouncy ball. I then created KITCHEN BALL. You bounce the ball to the person with the bat and they have to bunt it into the kitchen. Certain places in the kitchen get you certain hits. Off the cupboard is a double. In the pizza box is a triple. Knocking over one of the cups on the counter is a triple. Bouncing in the sink is a double and if it stays in the sink it is a homerun. There are other kinds of hits too but I don't want to write it all out. A game is 3 innings long. So far I have 3 wins and 1 loss. It's a blast to play.

In rolled up Aces over Kings news:
The profit for the semester is $63 on live poker, don't get me started about UB. Tonight me, Sean, and Matt from down the hall went to Jason's frat for a poker game. This one guy was a jerk and had a lot of money. He wanted to leave but we told him that he had to call 15 minutes before he could leave. On one of the next few hands I had pocket aces and he had pocket 10s, he put me all in and I doubled up. The very next hand he went all in pre-flop for $12. I wasn't sure if he was on tilt or what. I had Ace-Queen suited and made a tough call. He had Ace-Seven and I beat him. I took about $20 from him on two hands back to back. "That's No Limit Baby"

Class out the ass news:
So far I have only skipped a couple of classes. Most don't seem to be too bad yet but the homework sucks. Dave is in like all my classes so class isn't as boring cause we goof around a lot. More on classes when I'm interested in posting.

Quote of the Day: "You can't lose what you don't put in the pot, but you can't win much either." - Rounders
Song of the Day: "Vindicated" by Dashboard Confessional because these guys at Jason's frat played a hilarious variation.