Friday, October 22, 2004

Web Jim

Picture of the Day 10-22-04 Web Jim

Well, this is a picture of Jim Edmonds making a game saving catch. The Cardinals won game 7 of the NLCS and are going to the World Series. The game was great I was tense the whole time and ran down the hallway after the win and the Rolen homerun. Now we play Boston who somehow came back down 3-0 to win 4 in a row against the Yankees. It should be a great series.

In World Series Ticket Hunting:
Well I ranted in my last post, so here's what ended up happening. Alan ended up coming with me and I ended up getting a ride to St. Louis. We made it to Busch to camp out. The line there was huge. It looked like 10,000 people were there for 2500 bracelets to buy tickets. We waited in line anyways. We didn't realize til later, but we even cut in line, but it was at the back. We waited for 3 hours in line and were told that they only had 300 bracelets left. By then we had only made it halfway through the line and the said there were about 1500 people ahead of us. We gave up and went back to my house ready to wake up at 8 the next day and call in for tickets. We called on four phones for 2 hours non-stop. I had a phone and each hand and got used to the same voice saying, "I'm sorry but all lines are busy." So the only thing left was internet tickets. I got an email saying that I didn't get them and a few people I had sign up said they got the same thing. When I left for Busch to camp out, I figured that no one got tickets put I left up an away message to call my cell if they got tickets. No one called. I thought that was a longshot after awhile anyways so no big deal. Well, when I got back Saturday night, I talked to Dixon. He said that he got an email saying that he got tickets but he didn't check his email before the deadline to buy tickets. I was pissed. I did all that to get tickets and actually had them right in front of me but just couldn't get them. I still don't have tickets but right now it's so great to see the Cardinals in the World Series that it doesn't matter.

In Rolled Up Aces Over Kings News:
Bad beats and bad moves have hurt me in some big pots. Down to $129 profit for the semester. I really need to go back to Carr ground and get in the game over there. It's bigger stakes and if get some cards, I think I could have a big night, maybe even break the half century mark in a night. We'll see.

Quote of the Day: "If the Cardinals win the World Series before Halloween, I'm gonna dress up in all my Cardinals stuff and my costume will be 'The Cubs Worst Nightmare'." - Me
Song of the Day: "Deck the Stills" by Barenaked Ladies - I just got their new Christmas cd in the mail. This song is like the halls except all the sing is the names Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. Hilarious.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Wish I Was Here

Picture of the Day 10-14-04 Wish I Was Here
This picture is of the sign guy at Busch. The wish I was here caption will be explain later in some ranting.
Well the Cardinals are in the playoffs, they beat the Dodgers in the NLDS and are now 1-0 on the Astros in the NLCS. I've watched all the games and am very excited. Tickets for the World Series will go on sale this Saturday. You can get them on the internet, on the phone, or camping out at Busch. I have already entered the online lottery and got some other people to enter it for me too. I also put together a plan to go to Busch and camp out Firday night. Here's the ranting and crying like a baby part so that's your warning. I had a few people who were really interested in going and had rides lined up and everything. But then all of sudden, it seemed like they all fell through. People had friends coming up to visit, family coming up to see the Michigan-Illini game, or birthdays to celebrate (just kidding Dave). I'm not mad that people couldn't go, it was just like I got my hopes up that this was gonna work and everything right was going to somehow happen and then it all fell apart. I'm probably not going to camp out now cause I don't have anyone to go with and rides are looking scarce. I have one more plan to get me down their but I just think it's another longshot waiting to fail. At least I still have the small chance of getting tickets online.
This is it for the ranting and whining protion of the blog

Why No Postin':
If you read this at all you may have noticed I haven't posted in like 3 weeks. I must have a good reason or it is just lazynes? A little bit of both. First off if you comment on my blog, which no one has ever done, I'll post at least a little something. No one will still probably comment, but meh. Also, a bunch of tests for some of the time, lots of poker, and general hanging out has consumed most of my time. I also thought of a possible bad luck curse, but I'll get into that some other time, maybe I'll do a superstitions post some time if I remember or someone reminds me.

In Class Out the Ass News:
I'm doing good in all of my classes and finding a way to go to as few as possible. Physics lab and discusion are getting me mad cause they're so late in the day and 2 hours but it could be worse, I guess.

In Gambler's Anonomous News:
Can't believe I haven't at least posted an update on this in forever. I had my first few losing sessions and got back to only $98 for the semester, but I got hot again and am doing well since. The new total is $149. Also, I have inspired a poker blog form this section, nothing much but I thought it was cool. Oh yeah and soon, my poker chips will become useless when Alan gets some nice chips for his birthday.

Now it's time to make up for missing three weeks.

Quotes of the Past Few Weeks: Dave: "I think he's underrated" Me: "Everybody says that about him."
Me, to some girls across the hall: "Do you have some hair spray I can borrow, we need it to help us burn a Cubs hat."
"Baseball Like It Oughta Be." - My away message and Cardinals slogon in 1996
Me: "Your not dumb, just a dumb engineer." this was in an im, notice the wrong spelling of your

Songs of the Past Few Weeks: "Cover of the Rolling Stone" by Dr. Hook and the Medicine Men - I just rediscovered this great song.
"Sheep Go to Heaven (Goats Go to Hell)" by Cake - everything you need to know about the song is in the title
"Bannana Phone" - hilarious in it's stupidity. I only know this song because a great flash cartoon
"Scotty Doesn't Know (Euromix)" - the regular song was a song of the day awhile ago but the remix is even funnier. Eurotrip, what a great movie.