Thursday, March 31, 2005


Picture of the Day 03-30-05
Well it's been awhile and over the past few months, this is the best picture I think that got taken of me. This is me drinking windex (Vodka and blue poweraid). I've done this a few times recently and it always gets good reactions. One girl thought I was going to die cause I kept drinking it. But then again, this was the same girl who asked at night during a lunar eclipse, "so where is the sun now?"

Guess Who's Back, Back Again:
Well posting to the blog is back on. I hadn't posted in a long time cause a few things happen. After I got my computer back in late December it worked and I made a post. Not much happened while I was home so I didn't really feel like a post and when I got back to school, things got crazy and I kept forgetting. Then my computer broke again and I was really screwed. But when I got my computer back, I had all but killed my blog. Then why am I back, you ask. Well like the answer to so many questions, because of a girl. Elleni introduced me to her best friend Kim. Me and Kim got to talking and we have a lot in common and last night I told her that she should put up a blog. Well she said why don't you and I told her about my blog. We made a deal, she puts up a blog, I put updates on my blog. So here I am.

I Need Rest Woman:
So I've always been against mushy stuff in blogs about other people, but now I'm doin it anyways so skip ahead are read on as I'm a hypocrite. So I haven't known Kim for long, but we get along great. We have a lot in common and she is so great. We've had long conversations that I've enjoyed so much. The only problem, she goes to NYU. I wish she was here but we'll have to deal with it. She is trying to come to U of I in the next month to Elleni and me. That would be awesome, I'm hoping her professors give her a break and she can come. I'm sure Kim will be in future posts, but that's all for now.

What a Slacker News:
After my poor grades in first semester, I was put on academic probabtion. Not a lot of people know about. I just didn't work at all last semester and it showed. That's all over know. I'm motivated and am getting good grades this semester. That was just the kick I needed and I won't be back on probabtion again.

The Holidays of All Holidays:
At U of I the best holiday is Unofficial St. Patrick's Day. Unofficial was the friday two weeks before official. Unofficial is around so the cops can't raid as many bars or ticket as many underaged drinkers, but it is well advertised and everyone wears green, so it really is just for lots of drinking. Alan and Elleni came to my ECE class and we boozed with Dave and Joe. Some people saw me drinking windex and even took a picture, it was hilarious. We bought some booze earlier and I got some Guiness bottles and a fifth of Jim Beam. The rest of the guys had some stuff too. Only problem, for the first time ever, IT decided to raid apartments for booze. The found it all except my windex bottle (made green for unofficial) and my Guiness which was hid in the vegetable drawer. Even though Lenny was 21, they took all of it. I was so pissed I made another order for booze, this time just 2 fifths. So everyone drank and the tried to raid us again, but this time we were ready. I took the fifths into the bathroom and hide them as they checked for booze, they found nothing. So we got drunk and then went to a beach party. They had a sand pit, good tunes. Oh yeah and Markoff invited us, he's one crazy mofo. A good time was had by all, except maybe Lenny who was working. But we stopped by and said hello and took free food.

In Rolled Up Aces Over Kings News:
I know have $5000 in my ub account after starting with $100. I've been playing very well and feel like my game has improved a lot. Only problem is I don't want to cash out the money because of possible taxes and me being an underaged gambler. We'll see how this one goes.

Quote of the Day: Kim: "hahaha ok my sheets are calling me... they are saying 'screw doug.... sleep w us....we're soft satin... we're sexy... sleeeeeeeeep'"
Me: "Lucky Sheets"
that was after a 2 or 3 hour conversation when both of us need to go to bed but just kept talking
Song of the Day: "Canned Heat" by Jamiroquai - because Matt is trying to learn the dance steps of this song from Napoleon Dynamite, actually make me think I should learn them too cause it'd be so funny to do.